Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stomach Viruses Going Around

long ago that I wrote. Not that I have not anything to say, far from it. But the moments of peace are rare and I want to do something else.

Firstly HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yes, it is a bit late to say, but better late than never!

We had a nice Christmas. Unfortunately, was not as magical and fun than in my dreams! We travel a bit, was often outside the home than at home. It was a little hard on the chick. She still has a little difficulty getting to sleep outside the house. She wakes up more often, sometimes up to 10 times a night. And usually we sleep next to her, so we slept very badly, too. The evenings were hectic, with lots of life around her. When we slept, even very tired, she had difficulty falling asleep. She could cry for hours, do not miss anything Day. We quickly realized that we had to sleep early, following its usual schedule, to make it happier and sleep better.
Yes Christmas in his eyes was magical. We had him talk about Santa Claus. Happy to see her eyes when we put milk and cookies for Santa Claus eats it was great! The next morning, when she stood up and view all the gifts, it was touching to see. She was so happy to unwrap his presents. To each of them, he was totally happy and only had eyes for his gift today. It was almost forced to unpack the other gifts. It has many enjoyed each of his gifts. It is becoming more sociable with other children. She loves playing with them and not just alongside them. It's nice to see them run together, laugh together. She loves her cousins.

We have a couple friends who had a baby during the holidays. We've been seeing. Rafaelle was quite happy to see a real baby, to touch her. She often looked at and said Shsh! Because the baby was sleeping. She was gentle with her. It's fun to see! :)

last 2 weeks, she is in panty. It is super good. For 1 week and a half, we would have placed diapers for bed in the afternoon, but she always got up clean, so now she is in panty all day. She likes it and understands the principle. YES, she has accidents. But if he is 1 per day and no more. She is able to restrain himself for long periods without an accident, even when playing (in pipes and Jujubes or daycare), outside. She even made the return trip to Montreal without escape. I am proud of my smart! :) (You see the pretty little panties she has on this picture!) She talks more and more. She is fond of saying the words in O. Hat, Coconut Cake, Chocolate Eleonora, mom, dad, pee, top, bottom, boot, car, snack. It is a few words she says now.

A big step after this morning. We spent before the judge in order to have the custody of an adoption order. With the Philippines is a little more complicated. She is now in foster care in order to finalize the adoption in 6 months. All that is just the formality, but it's stressful to go before the judge! It was really good, we went before Judge in 5 minutes, everything was finished. When we entered, the judge said: SHE IS THAT GOOD GOOD! She had a big smile and was quite happy to spend our directory! After our oath, it has come chat with Rafael and wanted to take. So we can say that it has been beautifully! She has done this! :) The next and final step: in 6 months!

We had an episode of testing last week. She really wanted to see if we were here to stay and if we like it anyway! She rose in her bed, playing with its bars and cried for hours. She did not want to sleep all afternoon and evening. She was burned, but wanted to know anything about his bed. It was very unpleasant for a few days. His lack of sleep the irritated at the high point, touched on everything, threw everything everywhere, played down the toilet in the trash. In short, it was a harder week. But then everything is back as before. It's a happy little girl, who does everything fun for us to be in love.

We take this winter and its joys. Rafael has received a sled with skis in winter and summer wheels. We have made it a beautiful sheepskin to his buttocks and we have big blankets. It is warm. We will take steps, we plan to go sliding and skating with it now that the Rideau Canal is open. She loves being outside and she wants to get into the house. So that's what again in our lives. I'll try to come a little more often.



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