Sunday, November 7, 2010

Smith And Wesson Ctg Value

human being is like a tree: The Betrayal

The human being is like a tree: tree as his mission on earth is to bear fruit.

q And ... Eu are these fruits?

thoughts, feelings and acts fine, noble, great.

Doing good is being able to give good fruit, so must we always watch what state is encountered inside the other.

If you visit your parents, your friends without worrying about the effects you have on them by your actions, your eyes, your words, you make them sick they are poisoned or indigestion ... Doing so proves you do not yet understand the science well. And then do not be surprised if your life is lonely and sad ...

Why have you not learned to bear fruit?

When you give something good, you are never alone. Add good fruit, that is to say a job, a sacrifice, a thought, a glance, a smile ...


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