Sunday, July 18, 2010

Couples Christmas Cards


entire region of southern China had just suffered a terrible earthquake earth.

In one village, men, women and children wandered still, staring at the ruins of their homes. The days passed and everyone was working to rebuild his house but in fear and anxiety about the future.

One day a woman was by herself and away from the village to fetch water. While she filled her jars to source, she saw a few tens of meters a man who seemed old sitting in the shade of a tree. She was not afraid and came towards him.

- Who are you? she asked

- I'm a Sage, the man replied.

He beckoned him to sit near him. The woman sat down and began to tell him about the earthquake and the difficult days that flowed from the village.

- What are we becoming? she repeated often. Our life has become unhappy. You are a Sage, can you comfort me. I'd so be comforted.

- Listen to me, "said the Sage: As long as you regret what happened, you can not remove your pain. Fear, sadness and despair are part of the evolution of man. It's an evolution that you must cross, but as long as you are the prey of these negative emotions, you can not use what you are. The wise, those who know how to help people to see themselves, do not let themselves be involved in what has been. They are only concerned by the present moment. They can see the future and the past but do not leave lead by one or the other. You need to log in to your inner guide to learn to live entirely in and for the present. Thus the negative emotions disappear

But I lost so much confidence in myself and in life with this terrible catastrophe that has destroyed our lives.

- The fate of the angel to defeat the dragon! Do you understand what I mean?

- I do not know why but I think yes.

- You say you lost confidence in you, but it takes a lot of confidence to say to others that are missing. It is true that we can plant a flower on a field of stones. But you are neither the flower nor the ground stone: you're the one who must choose the flower and water common ground. If you do, you live in the center of yourself and not in the middle of your negative emotions that are outside of yourself. That is why in fact they do not belong to you. But if you insist it's you who belongs to them. As

as the Sage spoke, the woman felt lighter and she began to put into perspective what she had lived. Lyrics of Sage permeated his being in these difficult times. Then, the Wise pulled a mirror from his pocket. It was barely bigger than the palm of his hand.

He handed it to the woman so she could see her face. She saw his sad face drawn features by fatigue. Sage then concentrated and suddenly the mirror was broken and strewed the floor of his outbursts. Immediately, the woman felt her face relax and fatigue disappear. She closed her eyes a moment. When she opened them

, Wise had disappeared. Hardly surprising and not seek to understand, she went back among his own light and lively.


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